Festival Boi Bumba - Brazil

September 23, 2016

 what is Boi Bumba ?

  Why Boi - a bull, that is? Why are there two? Their names - Capricious and Garantido - mean? Where does all the synopses come from?

  Who are Cunha-Poranga, Paje, Sinhazinha, tuxauas? Why Curupira's feet point backwards? Where Gigante Juma, Cobra Grande do Fogo Formiga come?

  There are many different answers to each question (this is for you to decide which version you want to believe). You can find them in the variety of books, magazines, ethnographic studies, doctoral theses devoted to Boi-Bumba festival.

  Or you can go to Parintins and get a first-hand impression. See the performance. Listen toadas, dip in the pace of Marujada and Batucada. Talking with local people, hear their stories. After that you can reach your own conclusion. Experience the heat and noise of the city, enjoy regional dishes and drinks. It is an unforgettable unique experience. After all, where else can you see a Coke blue?
Boi Bumba Festival presents myths, tales and legends using characters, trucks and giant dolls parade, followed by the words of a master of ceremonies described in detail each part of the action.

  It is a musical and theatrical amazing experience, a religious procession, a tribal ritual, a giant puppet show, a fairytale powerful villains and brave hero, a presentation of folk art, a significant portion of the audience and choreography excitement of the office (gah-rah-on), all at once. The performance figures are the Boi Bumba story. There are two teams called Bois (plural Boi). Everyone tells the same story in the three nights of the festival, in the amount of 6 different interpretations of the same show. But every night is different because legends, rituals, dances, puppets, clothes, allegories, that all changes and create the program again.

  There are many similar festivals in Brazil, but Parintins has the largest and most impressive of all. It is both an art form and a dispute between two different teams: Capricious Wood (CAH-Pree-show-zol) and Garantido (gah-run-you-dow). Boi is the Portuguese word for ox, and is also the main character in the drama that unfolds nightly in an arena closely watched by 35,000 people. After the performance of three hours each Boi, the city has food, drinks and the party for everyone. The main square, many bars and every little corner near the Bumbodromo accommodate a still energetic crowd to dance and imitate the songs of their favorite Boi.

  Parintins Folklore has its own principles: it expresses the spontaneous and progressive cultural freely, always on his own terms. We do not know exactly how it all began. Some argue that the accounts Lindolfo Monteverde, the alleged creator of Garantido, brought to life a story I used to listen to his grandfather. Similarly, Temperamental is considered a creation of José Furtado Belém and Cid brothers. Each Boi result of another Promessa in San Juan Bautista.

  The play tells the story of Pai Francisco, who worked on a farm, and Mae Catirina pregnant wife who wanted to eat beef tongue. Pai Francisco kills an ox to satisfy the desire of his wife. Unfortunately, this beef is the preferred owner of the farm. A priest and a doctor fail to revive the Boi, whose death would be sent to prison Pai Francisco. The story has a happy ending thanks to the ritual performed by a shaman (pa-Zhe, shaman). Pai Francisco is forgiven and all tests ends with an important part of celebrating Boi of life.

  Parintins Parintins celebrations began modestly with processions through the city. Over time, the party, the story and the characters change to incorporate legends, rituals, music and dance of the indigenous and local communities to celebrate the lifestyle of the caboclo, the farmer who has a heritage mixed Europeans an aborigines.

Competition :

  Parintins Festival Boi Bumba - Capricious and Garantido
The festival is also a competition. The winner is chosen by a jury that evaluates each Boi according to several criteria, such as the presentation of the Boi, the indian tribe and their leaders tuxauas (a must ourselves), shamanic rituals, songs, allegories, choreography, etc.  

  One of the most fascinating aspects of the festival is the enthusiastic participation of the audience in the Bumbodromo. The support of the galleys (the crowd of fans cheering for each Boi) is also evaluated by the judges, and each has Boi people who are in charge of the organization of the office. The Bumbodromo is divided into two halves for Garantido and Capricious fans dancing and waving handkerchiefs and candles. This rock and roll when each new character enters the scene.

  The people are very serious about taking sides in Parintins. Everyone in the city has roots that go all the way to one of the teams, and there is no compromise between them. You can never ever support the wrong Boi - because if it does, the opposite could win Boi. Even with such strong feelings, vandals have no place here. Whenever one side is done, the other is silent.

  On the fourth morning, the winner was announced, then the fans and followers winner Boi parade through the city. Both sides are swept up in the excitement, but the police are on the clock and avoid disruption of public order.

The city of Parintins :

  Parintins Festival Boi Bumba - Capricious and Garantido
In Parintins, you can find good people who paint their houses in the color of their favorite Boi and enjoy riding their bikes. Almost nonexistent, Taxi 4 "normal" wheels - here means a taxi or a scooter (2 wheels) or bike with a special car to the front (3 wheels and no motor).

  Tourism is an important source of income for the county, and there is much to see and do outside the party. Those who enjoy fishing come in the dry season, from September to December.

  Mawe Indians and Wai-Wai people are famous for their necklaces, earrings and all kinds of crafts with feathers and seeds. Other popular items are made with roots, straw and jute.

  The city was founded in the eighteenth century by José Pedro Cordovil, at the request of the Portuguese king, and was called Tupinambarana. It was first inhabited by Maué, Sapupé and Indian Parintintin. It was only in 1880 that was officially recognized as a city and the name it holds today.

  Parintins weather is mostly tropical: rainy and hot. Temperatures vary between 22 ° C and 30 ° C. The native vegetation is meadow and forest harvesting main products are avocado, cocoa, banana, coffee, cashew, tapioca, watermelon, the pineapple, sweet potato, coconut, corn and beans. Livestock is mainly based on the horse.

Festival  Boi Bumba,Festival  Boi Bumba,Festival  Boi Bumba,Festival  Boi Bumba,Festival  Boi Bumba,Festival  Boi Bumba,Festival  Boi Bumba

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